Returns and Refunds

We offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee (excluding manufacturing defects).

If you are dissatisfied due to quality issues, please provide details, and we will send a technician to resolve the problem. If it cannot be fixed, we will arrange a replacement.

For returns due to change of mind or other reasons (e.g., the product doesn’t fit), a 30% restocking fee plus return shipping costs will apply. Contact us for a quote on return shipping fees.

Please retain the original packaging for up to 30 days for returns. The product must be disassembled and repackaged properly to ensure safe transport. We cannot accept returns unless the item is properly packaged.

Before returning, provide 4 images of the sofa (front, back, right side, and left side) and 2 images of the mattress (1 from the top & 1 from the bottom) taken from 5 feet away in good lighting. We will then arrange for pickup. We reserve the right to reject returns if the product is not in “normal use” condition or if it is improperly packaged. Notify us when the return is ready and send images of the packed item. The carrier will also photograph the packaging for reference.

Upon receipt (usually within 3 weeks), we will photograph the product before and after unpacking. If it matches the pre-return images and shows no damage, we will issue a credit for the purchase price minus the restocking and return shipping fees. If the product shows transport damage due to poor packing, the credit will be adjusted to account for the damage costs. You will not be liable for transport damages if the product was adequately packaged.

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